An Interview with Stephanie Osborne

We asked WITHIN teacher Stephanie Osborne to share about her personal meditation journey. Here’s what she told us.

Q: How did you get started with meditation?

A: I was introduced to Mindfulness at the age of 15 when I was a theater student at New Orleans Center for Creative Arts (NOCCA). We had four classes including: drama; voice; technical design; and movement. In the movement class, we were introduced to yoga and would end in Savasana (or corpse pose) and we would be guided through body scans. It made me fall in love with experiencing stillness.

Q: What led you to begin teaching meditation?

A: I’m a certified yoga instructor, but my mindfulness teacher certification program includes mindfulness of movement, which is a totally different experience of moving mindfully, as well as walking mindfully.

I think anything that allows you to slow down your daily activities, and really be in it and with it, is something that I want to experience, and also offer to my students/clients.

Q: What do you love about teaching at WITHIN?

A: I love the students or meditators at WITHIN. They really allow themselves to be so open and vulnerable, and they’re simply kind.

I also love that the staff and team at WITHIN are so supportive. I love that there are enough teachers to sub for me if I can’t be here, and also that I have an opportunity to sub for other teachers and offer a different kind of meditation every now and then at a different time of day, since I primarily offer primordial sound meditation on Sunday evenings.

Q: What advice would you give to someone who is just getting started with meditation?

A: I would advise folks to be gentle with themselves and not try too hard to quiet the mind, but just notice the thoughts as they come and bring their awareness back to their anchor, or the breath specifically.

Q: What has been your favorite meditation retreat so far?

A: My favorite meditation retreat was at Spirit Rock in California. It was for women of color. I never thought I needed it until I had it. It was extremely surprising to me how important it is to be with people like yourself. I didn’t feel like I had to explain myself. I didn’t feel like I was different in any way even though we all were different. Different levels of experience. Different shades, different hair, different backgrounds, and yet I felt so held in that space.

Q: What is your favorite book related to meditation?

A: Right now I’m reading the book entitled The Body Keeps the Score. I love it because it’s helpful to see what I am doing to my body when I replay negative experiences, and it also allows me to offer these tools to my meditation clients. When I learn, I share.

Q: What is your favorite way to incorporate mindfulness into your day?

A: My favorite way to incorporate mindfulness in my day is to sit in stillness for 30 minutes each day. But one thing that is irreplaceable is turning towards the sun and letting the heat warm my face. It’s a beautiful experience in complete presence.

Stephanie teaches in our online studio on Sundays at 6pm PDT. Join her for a class!