An Interview with Kellie Aponte

Kellie Aponte

We asked WITHIN teacher Kellie Aponte to share about her personal meditation journey. Here’s what she told us.

Q: How did you get started with meditation?

A: During my early 20s I was in a domestically violent relationship. My moderate anxiety that I'd been trying to manage, due to my identity issues of never meeting my biological parents, increased drastically. I was paranoid beyond reason, even up to the point when I left the relationship.

After leaving, I spent months believing that my abuser would find me and kidnap me. He would be very cruel and remind me that I was "unwanted" because I was adopted. I allowed him to tear me down. Countless hours were spent living with catastrophic thinking and unrealistic reasoning. I truly thought that my abuser would spend the rest of their life trying to ruin mine.

Then, like many people, there comes a moment in your life that you just can't hold onto that negative way of life, and I turned to Dr. Joe Dispenza for help. I took a few of his intensives, and I have not stopped meditating since.

Q: What led you to begin teaching meditation?

A: When I noticed that I had the power to completely transform my life in the way that I did, it immediately gave me the push to share mindfulness with others to help them - overcome whatever it is they are gearing up to let go.

Knowing that I share many of the same experiences with people all around the world inspired me to share my knowledge with them.

I might not be able to help everyone, but I do know that this practice can benefit those who believe and stay consistent with it.

Q: What has been your favorite meditation retreat so far?

A: So far, on my journey as a teacher, I have not yet attended an in person retreat due to COVID restrictions, but I have attended several online retreats. I loved Jack Kornfield's Spirit Rock Retreat for New and Experienced Practitioners. I love his approach to mindfulness as well as hearing his point of view on life/ the human experience.

What surprised me and encouraged me was that no matter what level of education a practitioner may have, they too are always learning/ transforming. One thing I always share with students is that even though I teach, I am just as equally a student too.

Q: What is one book you love related to meditation?

A: I'm currently reading Mindfulness in Plain English by Henepola Gunaratana.

Q: What is your favorite way to incorporate mindfulness into your day?

A: I love my morning meditation where I simply focus on my breath and bring my awareness to my heart's center, but something new I've gravitated towards during COVID was mindfulness walks.

I love walking my dogs, moving my attention away from answering texts and emails, and simply noticing nature as we walk by the beautiful trees in my neighborhood. I discover something new, on the same path I walk everyday.

I love that. Today, I noticed chalk left out for people walking by to leave a message and I simply wrote "forgive".

Q: What advice would you give to someone who is just getting started with meditation?

A: Start small. Focus on just a minute if that's what you can give to your practice because there is no rush. Also, keeping in mind that there are so many health modalities out here to aid us in our personal transformations, not just one. Once you find a style you gravitate towards, find a guide or teacher that you have established safety and comfortability with. Without that, it can be hard to apply the information they are teaching because the trust has not been initiated between teacher and student.

Q: What do you love about teaching at WITHIN?

A: This is an awesome question. I LOVE that the students turn their cameras on and engage. I'm getting to know people, and they are getting to know me.

I love going to class and seeing new and familiar faces and sharing our experiences with each other. It sets things apart from other places I've taught virtually. I love it.

Kellie teaches in our online studio on Mondays at 12pm PDT. Join her for a class!