Rediscovering Yourself: An Interview with Ciara McCormack

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We asked WITHIN teacher Ciara McCormack to share about her personal meditation journey. Here’s what she told us.

Q: How did you get started with meditation?

A: Although I’ve been teaching yoga for 6 years, I was inconsistent with my meditation practice up until about 2018. I was going through a lot of hard times that made me question who I was, what I was doing, and where I was going. I knew that I needed some sort of grounding practice to “re-discover” myself, and find certainty in myself… which led to a dedicated yoga practice. I went from thinking I couldn’t sit in meditation, to practicing twice a day for 15 minutes each sitting! Once I found the right teachers and styles of meditation that felt aligned for me, I was hooked.

Q: What led you to begin teaching meditation?

A: I began teaching meditation in 2015 once I got certified to teach yoga. At first I wasn’t practicing regularly myself, so it didn’t feel quite right to lead a meditation — but once I developed my own practice I quickly started teaching it to others. My meditation practice and teaching came as a result of feeling lost, disempowered, and disconnected with myself.

I think the best teachers evolve from learning how to navigate their way through a situation to find the light on the other side — and that is exactly what meditation did for me.

My favorite meditations to teach are guided visualization meditations. Visualization meditations helped me to really get into the feeling that I could push past my limiting beliefs and be the person that I want to be, creating the exact life I want to live. I believe we hold all of the power within our subconscious minds, so guiding someone to tap into their own magic through meditation is a really special experience.

Q: What do you love about teaching at WITHIN?

A: I love that there are a variety of classes and ways to connect inward with yourself! I am brand new to the community and teaching at WITHIN but so far it’s been a warming experience and I can’t wait to see what unfolds as the teaching journey with WITHIN really begins.

Q: What has been your favorite meditation retreat so far?

A: I went on a meditation retreat in Mexico once where the majority of the time we were silent and had to practice early in the morning. I remember I was in my early twenties when I attended this and everyone else was a lot older than me on the retreat. I learned a lot, was challenged in many ways, and often questioned what I was even doing there in the first place, but it gave me lots of perspective and connections of all ages with those who meditate.

Q: What is your favorite way to incorporate mindfulness into your day?

A: Starting the morning with a mindful routine is my favorite and most needed way to incorporate mindfulness into my day.

The mornings that I skip over it, end up being really “off” feeling days. Waking up at a consistent time, having a slow and intentional morning where I get to light some sort of sacred smoke whether that be a candle, incense, sage, or Palo Santo to just cleanse the space, and then sit for a 15-20+ minute meditation, followed by eft tapping and journaling before diving into the tasks of the day always feels like a grounding and ritualistic practice to set the tone of the day.

Q: What is your favorite book related to meditation?

A: So many favorites! Stress Less Accomplish More is one of the first books specifically on the science of meditation that I read when I was first getting into my meditation practice that really helped me understand from a practical perspective. Meditations from the Mat is also another one of my favorites to open a page randomly for daily inspiration and reflections.

Q: What advice would you give to someone who is just getting started with meditation?

A: Don’t put any expectations on it! It doesn’t have to look or feel one certain way. Some days you have a great meditation, some days it won’t be so great — but it will always feel worth it. It’s a practice.

Remember that we meditate not to get good at meditating, but instead to get good at life.

Ciara will start teaching in our online studio on Thursdays at 6pm PT at the end of September. Join her for a class!