Healing and Resilience Through Meditation: An Interview with Namaste J

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We asked WITHIN teacher Namaste J to share about her personal meditation journey. Here’s what she told us.

Q: How did you get started with meditation?

A: I began practicing yoga and meditation in 2004 after my Dad passed away. During that difficult time, mindfulness meditation and yoga helped me heal my mind, body, and spirit. I fell in love with the overwhelming gratitude and acceptance meditation provided.

Meditation invited me to channel my emotions in a positive way, and by utilizing this practice I was able to journey through depression and grief to become a healthier and happier person.

Q: What led you to begin teaching meditation?

A: I knew the wonderful benefits of meditation, and I wanted to share them with others. I began teaching meditation, because I wanted to help and provide value to people on their wellness journey.

We deal with so many things coming at us daily, and just taking a moment to connect with your breath is a powerful tool. The breath is powerful, healing, and calming.

I've enjoyed helping people find peace in their day through my meditations. I love knowing I am helping others find calm in their day, and lives.

Q: What do you love about teaching at WITHIN?

A: I am so grateful I found WITHIN. From the staff to the students, everyone is so warm and welcoming. I love the friendly and uplifting community WITHIN has created.

I also love the value WITHIN provides. Meditation is needed now more than ever, and by broadcasting sessions online there are so many people who can receive the benefits of meditation.

Q: What advice would you give to someone who is just getting started with meditation?

A: There's no right or wrong way to meditate. Let go of any preconceived notions you think you have about meditation. There are various types of meditation, and I'd recommend checking them out to see what you like.

Also, know you can meditate for 5 minutes to 2 hours if you wish. There is no time limit, it's just whatever fits best in your schedule. Remember this time of meditation is time for yourself, so feel free to make it fit to your liking.

Q: What is your favorite way to incorporate mindfulness into your day?

A: I enjoy starting my day off meditating right after I wake up. I usually do a 10 to 15 minute guided meditation, and it helps me start my day off on a positive note.

Q: What has been your favorite meditation retreat so far?

A: Although I have not been to an only meditation retreat, I've been to several yoga retreats that incorporated meditation. My favorite retreat was one to Samana, in the Dominican Republic. I enjoyed this retreat especially, because it was for women of color to enhance their wellness. We meditated on the beach in such a beautiful environment. I absolutely loved it!

Q: What is your favorite book related to meditation?

A: Daring Greatly by Brené Brown. I've struggled with vulnerability for a long time and up to recently I've realized that most of my relationship struggles came from shame, perfectionism, not feeling worthy enough, being afraid, and having no boundaries. This is an awesome book, because it's very interesting to see how shame runs through cultures, homes, friendships, work environments, and overall life. It's incredibly eye opening to acknowledge those things within yourself because once you do, you see
that shame was running the show the whole time.

Q: What do you like to do when you aren’t teaching meditation, or meditating yourself?

A: I enjoy hiking, traveling, hanging out with friends and family, Prince, and doing yoga.

Namaste J teaches in our online studio on Mondays at 6pm PT. Join her for a class this week!