Cat Wisdom: Life Lessons from Chester

by WITHIN teacher Tessa Jonson

Last year, I had to spend over 8 months away from my cat Chester. While to some this might not sound like the end of the world, to me it was devastating. Not wanting children of our own, for 7 years Chester has been our most cherished boy. My husband Cal could at least Facetime with me every day, but Chester communicates with lap sits, neck nuzzles, and penetrating eye contact - none of which can successfully travel over the internet!

And yes, before you ask, most people think the level of devotion to our fluffy four-legged companion is absurd. But I’d say they’re missing out on one of the most divine and unconditional relationships that exist.

As the French poet, journalist, and novelist Anatole France said: “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” And I, for one, couldn’t agree more.

Our separation gave me perspective, and now that Chester and I (and Cal) have been reunited for a few months, I’ve been humbled and astonished by how much I’ve learned from our boy, and how much he continues to teach me – not just about my meditation practice but more specifically about implementing it to live a more fulfilling life.

You see, Chester knows innately how to exist in the state that I, as a mere human, am still cultivating.

Here are some life lessons à la Chester cat:

1. The Art of Stillness:

Cats are masters of stillness. They can spend hours simply observing their surroundings - or just staring at a wall - without any need for action or distraction. From Chester, I've learned that peace can be found in moments of stillness – whether that means sitting in silent meditation or merely taking a pause to stare at the wall.

2. Embrace the Now:

Cats have an innate ability to fully immerse themselves in the present moment. When Chester enjoys a meal or pounces on a toy, he does so with complete focus and enthusiasm. With his lap-sitting assistance, I'm learning to let go of worries about the past or future and instead embrace the beauty of the present moment.

3. Listen to Inner Wisdom:

Chester has a remarkable ability to listen to his instincts and intuition. Whether he's choosing a cozy spot by the radiator to curl up for a nap or dashing away from something that feels threatening, he trusts his inner wisdom without hesitation. From his example, I'm establishing a deeper connection to my own intuition and building more trust in my instincts.

4. Cultivate Self-Compassion:

Chester is an undisputed expert at self-care – from grooming himself meticulously to ensuring he gets the most amount of sleep. He has taught me the importance of nurturing oneself with kindness and compassion, both on and off the cushion. By treating myself with the same tenderness that Chester treats himself, I've discovered a deeper sense of self-love and acceptance.

5. Find Joy in the Simple Things:

Finally, perhaps the most valuable lesson Chester has taught me is the importance of finding joy in the simple things in life. Whether it's basking in the warmth of a sunbeam, being hypnotized by the birds chattering outside the window, or the exquisite feeling of being brushed, Chester reminds me that true happiness can be found in the everyday moments that might otherwise go unnoticed.

While meditation and mindfulness practices are typically associated with deep introspection, spiritual growth, and, let’s face it, a whole lot of work, sometimes the most profound insights come from the simple moments shared with our animal companions.

Through Chester's gentle presence and innate wisdom, I'm learning to approach my meditation practice – and my life – with a renewed sense of openness, curiosity, and gratitude. As we continue to snuggle through this journey together, I am endlessly grateful for the invaluable lessons he continues to impart on me each day.

Tessa teaches occasionally in our online meditation studio - join her for a class!