One Teacher's Favorite Books on Mindfulness and Meditation

Last summer, we published this list of our teachers’ favorite books to inspire your practice. It was so popular - and there are so many good books out there! - that we asked new WITHIN teacher Dane Greco if he would share his favorites, too. Here are his top five recommended reads.


Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics by Dan Harris

“Dan Harris unifies the reader with an honest telling of his meditation journey, starting as a skeptic of the practice. By examining different misconceptions of meditation, he removes the barrier that prevents us from wanting to develop our own practice. Balanced with Jeff Warren’s exploration into consciousness, this book opens a safe door for those to begin their path.”


Be Here Now by Ram Daas

“Existential exploration mixed with psychedelic stories creates a beautiful reveal into human consciousness. Rest his soul, Ram Daas provides the framework for accessing the part of our heart that protects true wisdom and compassion, creating empathy for human kind.”


Zen in the Art of Archery by Eugen Herrigel

“A fascinating story of Herrigel’s path towards learning the way of Zen teachings through archery and its correlation with consciousness. Both author and reader are brought to a state of stillness from the ritualized arts of discipline and beauty.”


The Dude and the Zen Master by Jeff Bridges and Bernie Glassman

“Fans of the movie ‘The Big Lebowski,’ will especially enjoy this humorous and enlightening conversation between actor, Jeff Bridges and longtime friend and Zen master, Bernie Glassman. The book covers so many topics in a conversational way from Zen study and meditation to being present for each a scene as an actor.”


The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz

“Author Don Miguel Ruiz creates a humanistic formula for allowing the soul to recognize its suffering and takes a spiritual approach towards healing it. ‘The Four Agreements’ acts as a guide towards self-fulfillment and freedom.”

We hope these books fuel your meditation practice, and engage your curiosity.

What books inspire you?  We'd love to hear them! Share your favorites in the comments, below.

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