3 Ways to Overcome Overwhelm

It’s overwhelming, trying to keep up with everything: getting work done on deadline; finding the time to get groceries; replying to at least most of the emails that hit your inbox…let alone having an appropriate response to all the craziness going on in the world.Here are three of my favorite ways to stop overwhelm in its tracks, before it overwhelms me.

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3 Ways Meditation Helps Your Brain

It's such a hot topic these days, you'd think mindfulness was something new. Of course, it isn't - people have been practicing mindfulness meditation for, literally, thousands of years - but there's been an explosion of research about how it affects our brains in the past ten years. Here are three of our favorite ways meditation has been proven to help your brain.

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Sitting Together, One Year Later

A year ago, Megan and I had just put together our first meditation pop-up event. We were both still working full-time jobs, squeezing in the planning and inviting around the edges of our busy lives. We didn't know what would happen after we did that first pop-up, but we were really, really curious to find out.

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3 Ways You Can Practice Gratitude Today

Gratitude is one of my favorite side-effects of meditation: getting quiet with yourself regularly creates fertile ground for growing a deep appreciation for life. But you can also cultivate gratitude without sitting on the cushion. Here are a handful of simple gratitude practices you can do during your day, whether or not you have a meditation practice.

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